World-first-beautiful red sparkling
made from Japanese maple leavesfromJapan!
(もゆるは:Moyuruha ‘Burning leaves’)
Japanese maple (Momiji) is symbolic botany of Japan beauty.
This is the world-first premium sparkling made from the red extract of the Japanese maple leaves.
The name ‘Moyuruha:もゆるは’ means burning leaves that compared to autumn red leaves color.
Color and flavor are new and so nice taste!
Containing polyphenols and anthocyanins from Japanese maple.
No artificial flavoring and coloring agent, material origin only!
Recommended by Champagne flute, So elegant !
The anthocyanins extracted from Japanese maple are supposed to be good for health.
Recommend for drinking
Champagne flute can make
elegant style.
(Restaurant, Bar, Welcome drink)
As cocktail material!
(You can make special one with
Japan taste!)
〒507-0046 岐阜県多治見市廿原町787-1
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Maple Lab., Inc. All Rights Reserved.